Best Rate of Climb in a Cessna 172 at Maximum Take-Off Weight and a Lighter weight What is the difference between the Best Rate of Climb in a Cessna 172 at Maximum Take-Off Weight and a Lighter weight. You might be surprised? Continue reading
G1000 Autopilot Vertical Speed vs Flight Level Change for Climbing G1000 Autopilot Vertical Speed vs Flight Level Change for Climbing. How can an autopilot stall an aircraft using Vertical Speed? Avoid it! Continue reading
VFR Flight Sim from Indianapolis to Richmond in a Cessna 152 Enjoy a short VFR Flight Sim from Indianapolis to Richmond, Indiana in a Cessna 152. Flown by an actual Cessna 152 pilot and see what it takes. Continue reading
How to fuel a B737 In the video we use AirportSIM to show “How to fuel a B737”. Learn how to calculate the fuel load & basic procedures involved to fuel a B737 properly. Continue reading
YPPF Parafield Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator The Parafield Airport (YPPF) payware software installation for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS2020) is absolutely spectacular. Continue reading
Flight Simulator 2020 from Coldstream to Latrobe Valley Flying Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 from Coldstream to Latrobe Valley. For a flight sim straight out of the box it looks excellent. Continue reading
Cessna 172 Fatal Collision with Terrain Investigation This video is a recreation of an actual Cessna 172 Fatal Collision with Terrain Investigation. It was the Students first solo navigation flight. Continue reading
Flying a NDB Approach with Wind Correction Flying a NDB Approach with Wind Correction in a BE76 Duchess is an updated video including wind correction. Continue reading
Flying the Duchess BE76 from Indianapolis Metro to Terre Haute In this episode, we’ll be flying the Beechcraft Duchess BE76 from Indianapolis Metro to Terre Haute in Indiana. Come join me for this flight. Continue reading
Flying the NDB Approach into Moorabbin Airport This video shows flying the NDB Approach into Moorabbin Airport (YMMB) in a light twin, the BE76 Beechcraft Duchess. Continue reading